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Bio-Films are basically slimy films containing mucous and minerals that form a protective layers over Bacteria and Fungi. They are common in nature. This is why rocks in a stream are slippery, The scum on the back of your teeth, etc. The problem is in the GI Tract, They can protect bacterial pathogens, Which excrete toxins.

Toxic Bio-Films are not just a problem for Autistic children, But for adults suffering from a variety of chronic illnesses. The Bacteria and Fungi within Bio-Films are very difficult to eradicate because they are protected by layers of mucous and minerals in the Bio-Film. Chronic toxic Bio-Films are the reason many children are resistant to treatment or hit plateaus. The surface bacteria have been treated, But not those hidden in the Bio-Films. In order to get at these protected organisms, The Bio-Film has to be disrupted and a new Bio-Film established with healthy flora.

So how do we treat Bio-Films. It is generally a three step process.

  • Break down the Bio-Films with the use of Enzymes and Chelators
  • Add in an Anti-Bacterial and/or Anti-Fungal agents; These can be in the form or herbal preparations or medications such antibiotics and Anti-Fungal or both.
  • Clean up the dead bacteria and fungi with binding agents.

What you need

1. Enzymes: You will need an enzyme product to break down the Bio-Film. You only need one of the recommended enzyme products, Which are: Interfase, Interfase plus, SPS30 or Lubrokinase 20 mg Capsules, Nattokinase 50mg to 100mg Capsules (Children under 80 Pounds use 50mg). We generally recommend the Interfase Plus because it also contains the Chelating agent.

2. Chelator: Either EDTA Capsules (Not Tablets), Interfase Plus is a combination enzyme with Chelators added.

3. Antibacterial/Antifungal Agents: ProEnt2 Capsules, ADP (Not Suitable for small children or those that don't swallow pills as the taste is very strong), Olive leaf extract, Grape seed extract, Biocidin or similar product.

Medications may also be used with this protocol, But require a prescription. If your child is already on an antibiotic or Antifungal you may find they are more effective when used with the other steps in the protocol. Flagyl, Vancomycin, and/or Anti-Fungal such as Diflucan, Nystatin, and Ampotericin are medications commonly prescribed to treat digestive tract Dysbiosis.

The rest of this protocol contains items which may or may not be required to control Die-Off Reactions.

4. Binding Agents: We recommend combination products such as: Elmnx or ExTox, But a variety of agents can be used such as modified fruit pectin, Activated charcoal, True Fiber, Metal Magnet etc.

5. Protective Agents: Oxyperm is Anti-Oxidant made for the digestive system is our recommended product. It is given with meals. Oxyperm will help reduce Die-Off Reactions that can occur. Oxyperm is given three times a day with meals.


Enzymes: We use Interfase Plus or SPS30 alone or Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase in Combination. Interfase Plus is used most commonly because it also contains a Chelating agent.

Enzymes are given on an empty stomach along with a Chelating agent to bind up the heavy metals and other mineral found in the Bio-Film. It is essential that the enzymes are NOT given with food because they will just break down the food and not the Bio-Film.

Chelating Agent: The Chelating agent is given with the enzymes. Interfase Plus is a combination of Enzymes and Chelators and generally works best.

Wait for 30 to 60 Minutes for the Enzymes and Chelators to work.

Killing Agents: Add the Anti-Fungal and/or Antibiotic herbs or medications, These are generally given with meals to reduce problems with stomach irritation along with Oxyperm to reduce adverse effects.

Binding agents: Elmnx 3 to 6 Capsules or Extox 4 to 6 Capsules, True Fiber an hour or more after the killing agents. Binding agents are often given at bedtime. Binding agents will bind and prevent absorption of nutrients, So binding agents should given away from other medicines or supplements by at least one hour.

Probiotics: Are used to help rebuild and restore normal flora. The best given on an empty stomach once or twice daily.

Duration: The Bio-Film Protocol should be followed for 4 to 6 Months.

Notes: You may see very abnormal looking stool when on this protocol, This is normal. You also may see pretty strong Herxheimer reactions. A Herxheimer reaction is a flu-like reaction that occurs when high numbers of fungus or bacteria are killed releasing their toxins. The protective agents may prevent or reduce the severity of Herxheimer reactions. If the Herxheimer reactions are very intense, You may need to reduce the dose of the killing agent and increase the dose of the binding agents. We often substitute high dose Probiotic for the killing agents for a couple of months, If side effects are too severe, Then start adding in the killing agents very slowly.


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